Sunday, January 26, 2020

Government Policies to Reduce Domestic Violence

Government Policies to Reduce Domestic Violence Domestic Violence The most serious threat to personal safety occur not on the city street but in the home. Discuss. The explorative of the discussion within this essay will to be examine what constitutes the term ‘domestic violence’, and what implementations as a result of government policies have been introduced to address and therefore eradicate the problem of domestic violence within society. Crimes committed within a private space, such as domestic violence within the family home are considered and regarded to be less problematic than crimes committed within the public sphere, and are often disregarded and dismissed among public concern and political agendas when addressing and combating the ‘problem of crime’ within society today. Domestic violence was firstly given recognition and was identified as a social problem in the late 19th century, and was associated with child cruelty, and marital violence. However it was not until the mid twentieth century during a time span of five decades that different form of domestic violence were highlighted and made visible within society. Saranga (2001) cited in McLaughlin et al (2006) p’163 This was demonstrated with cases of child neglect, and the physical abuse of children during the 1960’s following the work of Henry Kempe in 1962, which brought attention to the ‘battered child syndrome’. Creighton (2002) The amplification of domestic violence incidents, and their effects, exposed by the feminist movement in the 1970s which followed with the establishing of Women’s Aid in 1974, who campaigned for the introduction of new legislative acts and policies to support victims of domestic violence. Dobash Dobash (1992) p’33. The sexual abuse of children in the 1980s, such as the ‘Cleveland child sex abuse scandal’ where children were removed from their parent’s care, for fear of them being sexually abused, although. Pragnell, (nd). The recognition of elder abuse during the 1990s, following the introduction of a national organisation for Action on Elder Abuse in 1993, to combat the mistreatment of older people. Richardson, (1998). Furthermore In addition, the recognition of male victims of domestic violence, abuse and rape with the introduction of and the increase of parental abuse within the home committed by children of the family The government defines ‘domestic violence’ as, â€Å"Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. This includes issues of concern to black and minority ethnic (BME) communities such as so called ‘honour based violence’ female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage†. The reference and the use of the term ‘adult’ is defined as â€Å"any person aged 18 or over. Family members are defined as mother father, son, daughter, brother, sister, and grandparents, whether directly related, in laws or step family†. (Domestic Violence Mini site:Home). Furthermore, the definition of ‘domestic violence’ applied by the Crown Prosecution Service (2001), states that the use of ‘Domestic violence’ is â€Å"a general term to describe a range of behaviours often used by one person to control and dominate another whom they have, or have had, a close or family relationship and the abuser operates from a position of perceived power†. In addition stating that it â€Å"includes forms of violent and controlling behaviour such as physical assaults, sexual abuse, rape, threats and intimidation, harassment, humiliating and controlling behaviour, withholding of finances, economic manipulation, depravation, isolation, belting and constant unreasonable criticism†. (Broken Rainbow) Therefore from these definitions of ‘domestic violence’, attributes of the term engage both the female and male sexes, and is regardless of their gender orientation , ethnicity , religious beliefs, social status, age and include children of the family unit, as being either victims or perpetrators of domestic violence. From this it has been suggested that the family is therefore a â€Å"predominant setting for every form of physical violence: from slaps to torture and murder.†, and that â€Å"some form of physical violence in the life cycle of family members is so likely that it can be said to be almost universal†. Hotaling and Straus (1980) cited in McLaughlin et al. (2006) p’163. According to the statistics released by the Home Office and published in Crime in England and Wales 2006/2007, one incident of domestic violence is reported to the police every minute, however prior to this reporting, research suggests that up to thirty five assaults upon the victim will have been (excruciated) (executed) by a partner or former partner. Also domestic violence accounts for 16% of all violent crime, effecting one in every four females, and one in every six males during their lifespan. With 77%, of the victims being female, and upon average, ‘domestic violence’ claiming the life of two female victims, by a current or former male partner every week. (Domestic violence|Home Office) Consequently Dobash Dobash, (1992) stated that â€Å"The four main sources of conflict leading to violent attacks are men’s possessiveness and jealousy, men’s expectations concerning women’s domestic work, men’s sense of the right to punish ‘their’ women for perceived wrongdoing, and the importance to men of maintaining or exercising their position of authority†.p’4. Statistics from The British Crime Survey published for the period between the years, 2006 to 2007, included 28% of the sample reporting to have experienced domestic violence, between the ages of sixteen and fifty nine years, and non-sexual abuse being reported to be the most common type of abuse. Furthermore, 62% of the female sample reported to experience more than one incident of domestic violence, in comparison to 54% of the males during the past twelve months. Also the study revealed that females were more prevalent to males in experiencing all types of domestic violence, over a prolonged period of time, in comparison with 50% of males reporting to being victims for less than a period of one month. Females were also more likely to sustain injury, or suffer emotional effects as a result of the incident and seek medical assistance, as opposed to the males which had participated within the survey. (British Crime Survey statistics 2006/2007) Furthermore according to the British Crime Survey, of the 74% of ‘domestic violence’ incidents reported in 2006/2007 it emerged that although the victim had discussed the matter with another, only 13% had reported the incident to the police, with only 11% reporting incidents of sexual assault, and police officers discovering the remaining 2% another way, 45% of the incidents against females were perpetrated within her own, and 23% perpetrated in the home of her assailant. Also, 66% of the victims who had experienced partner abuse did not recognise the incident as ‘domestic violence’, although more females recognised abuse as a crime, whereas males, regarded it as â€Å"just something that happens†. (British Crime Survey statistics 2006/2007) Evidentially, Hoare and Jannson stated the comparison between the figures and extent of domestic violence during the period 2004 to 2007, as reported by the victims surveyed for The British Crime Survey, indicate that incidents of ‘domestic violence’ were consistent in occurrence during the three year period.( ) However, according to the estimation of Pease and Farrell, â€Å"domestic violence statistics are 140% higher than these stated in the British Crime Survey which records a maximum of crimes per person†. cited in Barron (2007). Therefore, accounting for a distortion of the actual amounts of incidents perpetrated upon the victims. Furthermore according to Walby et al (2001) when disclosing experiences of domestic abuse the victims are reluctant to do so in a face to face situation, which could account for the lack of reporting incidents of intimate personal violence to the police, which could account for why the figures are under reported . Also Walby (2004), suggests that one of the factors that contribute to the underestimation of domestic violence incidents is due to the British Crime Survey recording only a maximum of five incidents per person in a twelve month period within the figures .(ref) From these figures there is a clear indication that crimes committed within the ‘private space’, do not only exist, but are extensive, therefore accounting for a substantial amount of ‘hidden crime’ which are not represented within the statistics for domestic violence incidents which occur. Furthermore, when an act is committed and identified as criminal, such as an adult assaulting another within the public sphere, a location which is accessible to everyone at all times, therefore possibly witnessed by a insignificant other, to that of the victim of the crime, sanctions are more likely to be imposed through the criminal justice system. However that same act perpetrated by one adult against another, within a private space, where the accessibility to that space is determined by one person, or a group of people, such as the family unit, it is often regarded as a domestic problem. Saranga (2001) cited in McLaughlin et al (2006) p’163. Which accounts as one of the key and problematic features of dealing with domestic violence, due to the lack of reporting the incident by the victim, or victims when they do occur, which therefore prohibits outside intervention by the state through the criminal justice system. Although Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (1998), safeguards a general right to respect for privacy for an individual, and their family, with interventions by the state only being permissible and justified in accordance with the law, which includes the prevention of crime, and the protection of health, and the rights of freedom of others ( therefore includes acts of domestic violence. Although Gordon (1998) â€Å"challenged the idea that state intervention was an intrusion into private matters by asking ‘whose privacy ‘ and ‘whose liberties’ were being violated†. cited in McLaughlin al (2006) p’163 Furthermore according to Dobash et al the debate upon state intervention within incidents of domestic violence is divided with â€Å"some maintaining that interventions more likely to be intrusive, repressive and controlling†, while others pronounce that â€Å"it can be enabling, empowering and prote ctive†. Dobash and Dobash (1992) p’4 In order to address and combat domestic violence, which appears to be dependant upon the reporting of the crimes initially by the victim, who may be apprehensive of reporting the crime for fear of reprisals in doing so, The Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004, was introduced to support, protect and safeguard the rights of victims and witnesses, of intimate personal violence, therefore putting the victims at the forefront of the criminal justice system. Furthermore the introduction of The Domestic Violence Act (2007), introduced the governing of new powers for the police to arrest the perpetrators of domestic violence attacks, and introduced the breech of non- molestation orders committed by perpetrators to become a criminal offence, therefore punishable by the state, as opposed to the victim, and making common assault an arrest able offence, with sanctions imposed, therefore strengthening the implications of such actions committed by perpetrators, which were previously dealt with under civil laws.(Domestic Violence Home Office) Consequently, as a result of the introduction of The Domestic Violence Act (2007), and according to the estimation of circuit judge, John Platt, that the figures of â€Å"mostly women†, who were applying to secure non-molestation orders has decreased by between the â€Å"figures of 25%, and 30%, since the implementation of the act in July 2007†, he also stated that â€Å"every judge I have spoken to thinks there has been a drop† In 2006, 20.000 applications were requested for non- molestation orders. Gibb et al (2008). Therefore, allowing for the figure of 25% of a reduction within applications made, would account for 5.000 women, not seeking protection from their perpetrators through the courts for them, and their children. Furthermore Judge Platt stated that â€Å"Obviously this is a very worrying figure. Either offenders have change their behaviour which seems extremely unlikely, or the victims do not want to criminalise the perpetrators† which could be due to the fact that they are perceived to be the provider of the family, or the father of the children within the family unit, and the woman refusing to be held accountable for penalising their husband or partners actions, through the criminal justice system, and resulting in the perpetrator obtaining a criminal record, to which Judge Platt concluded â€Å"It’s human nature†. cited in Gibb et al (2008) Also other implementations introduced to safeguard children of the family unit, include that of the National Domestic Delivery Plan which has progressed to include children who are effected by domestic violence into the Common Assessment Framework, therefore incorporating them within Local Children’s Boards, and furthermore safeguarding that Multi-agency Public Protection Arrangements, and Multi Risk Assessment Conferences are aware of their involvement, and their needs, in order for them to work and comply within child protection arrangements in relation to the child, or children of the family. (National Domestic Violence Delivery Plan 2007) Causal theories of domestic violence include that of the ‘intergenerational theory’, and often referred to as ‘the cycle of abuse’ which is derived from the social learning theory, and based upon the premise that ‘violence begets violence’, which suggests that young males who had witnessed, or experienced domestic abuse, were more likely to become the perpetrators of such abuse within adulthood, and that young females who had also witnessed, or experienced domestic abuse, were prone to remain within abusive relationships as adults. According to Rosenbaum et al (1991) 70% of abusive husbands were from a violent background. Although in contrast Stark and Filtcraft (1998) stated that only 30% of males which had experienced violence within their childhood became abusive towards their female partner within adulthood. (Tackling Domestic Violence 2005) However according to Dobash Dobash (1979) â€Å"Children may learn to accept, admire, emulate or expect such behavior (domestic violence), but they may also be repulsed by it and reject it’s use. It would be naà ¯ve to assume that a child is such a simple creature that he or she learns only one thing from what he or she observes and that is to emulate the observed behavior in a robot fashion.† cited in Tackling Domestic Violence (2005) Bibliography Barron J ( ) Published on the Internet Accessed Broken Rainbow. Published on the Internet, http//www.broken- Accessed 5th May 2008 Creighton S J (20O1) Published on the Internet abuse_wda48220.html. Definition and statistics. Published on the Internet. Accessed 5th May 2008 Dobash R E and Dobash R P (1992)Women Violence and Social Change Routledge London and New York Domestic Violence Home Office, Published on the Internet 5thMay 2008 Domestic Violence Mini-site:Home, Published on the Internet Accessed 15thMay 2008 Gibb F, Ford R (2008)Women at risk failed by domestic violence law THE TIMES 14 April JOC Published on the Internet Accessed May 2008 Mc Laughlin E and Muncie J (2006)The SAGE Dictionary of Criminology SAGE Publications Ltd London National Domestic Violence Delivery Plan (2007) Published on the Internet Accessed May 2008 Pragnell Published on the Internet Accessed May 2008 Richardson Published on the Internet Accessed May2008 Tackling Domestic Violence (2005) Published on the Internet Accessed Women’s aid, British Crime Survey statistics-2006-7Women’s Aid Published on the Internet. Accessed 7thMay2008 Published on the Internet Accessed 1st May 2008

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Benefits of good team dynamics Essay

The Benefits of good team dynamics can be seen in sports as well as the work place. When the team works as one, amazing things can happen. Goal setting is a technique that is used by athletes, business people and top achievers in all aspects of life. Psychological research shows that those who set personal goals achieve more, demonstrate improved performance, have less stress and possess positive attitudes. In the business environment there must be a blending of the goals of each individual and those of the organization. People have a desire to be successful and so do organizations. The goals determine the results. When we define our personal goals we are setting a personal standard that will improve the overall effectiveness of the team. Organizations need to help their people define their personal goals. They can then help them interpret the relationship between these personal goals and the organization’s goals. â€Å"As important as individual growth is, no one person can be responsible for total success in the business world. Personal involvement begins with team dynamics.† (Making Success a Shared Res ponsibility, Security Management; Mar94) Another benefit of good team dynamics is the ability to identify the team or individuals capabilities or weaknesses. Highlighting weaknesses will push the team to take the necessary steps to improve. While identifying what capabilities each member of the team has, will enable the team to focus on a strong direction for attacking the problem or task. Effective teams accept team responsibility and do not â€Å"blame† one another for team mistakes, nor do they spend useless time in personal justifications. Team members will look upon first-time mistakes as opportunities for learning, rather than criticism and punishment. An improved team relationship is another benefit. When you have good dynamics the relationships inside your team greatly improve. Everyone love to be on a teams that works well together. You feel that you are striving for the same goals. People will work harder if the dynamics of there team is a positive one. Good teams honour the contribution each makes to the total work of the team. Effective team communication will greatly increase with good team dynamics. Willingness to talk and share information and effectively presenting your point of view. Effective teams communicate easily and openly. Feedback on â€Å"performance† is two-way and constant, providing information to all members of the team on how their work supports the overall effort of the team. Effective teams operate in an environment in which two way trust and honest communication exist. Enhanced critical thinking skills is another benefit of good team dynamics. What is critical thinking anyway? â€Å"Critical thinking is the use of those cognitive skills or strategies that increase the probability of a desirable outcome. It is used to describe thinking that is purposeful, reasoned and goal directed – the kind of thinking involved in solving problems, formulating inferences, calculating likelihoods, and making decisions when the thinker is using skills that are thoughtful and effective for the particular context and type of thinking task. Critical thinking also involves evaluating the thinking process – the reasoning that went into the conclusion we’ve arrived at the kinds of factors considered in making a decision. Critical thinking is sometimes called directed thinking because it focuses on a desired outcome.† (Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking. 1996.) With good team dynamics come improved critical thinking skills. Zaleski, John E. (1994) Making Success a Shared Responsibility, Security Management; Mar94, Vol. 38 Issue 3, p22: Retrieved from EBSCOhost search engine. Halpern, Diane F. Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking. 1996.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Books and Ebooks Essay

In time of technical progress e-books are getting more popular day by day, but still most of the people prefer hard copy of books and do not support new fashion wave. Book has always been the best present for any kind of occasion, it is something that does not have an expiration date and it will always be in fashion. However, you cannot give e-book as present, of course you can send my e-mail, but you cannot put your sign and it sort of loosing meaning as a present, because you cannot touch it. On the other hand prices for e-books are lower and you can get a variety of free e-books, so everyone can enjoy literature from all of the world, but you should have special gadget to read e-books, and it is additional expanses for reading. In contrast, printed books are sort of pricy, and you cannot buy as much books as you want, as a result you are not trying to read new authors whose creations had not become bestsellers. Spending money on books is good investing, because you can collect a library and after you can leave it for next generations, as I mentioned before book is the product that does not have an expiration date. Having your library in an electronic devise it is a risky business, by reason on viruses that attacking devises every day and deleting all information from them or you can just loose an e-reader with all your book collection. Also hard copy book does not need to be charged and you can read as much as you want and wherever you want, unlike e-book is charging from electricity.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Erik Erikson s Psychosocial Theory On Child Development

Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory on Child Development Erik Erikson, a well known developmental theorist, developed his theory about stages of human development from birth to death by using Freud s work as a starting point. According to Erikson, personality develops in a series of stages. Erikson found out that children experience conflicts which affect their development. He described the internal conflict which children go through in developmental stages using the term ‘crisis’ and are based on either developing a psychological quality, or failing to develop that quality (Bee Boyd 2003). During this period of development, chances of developing a psychological quality or failing to develop that quality are equal. He believes that the personal identity and future development of a person are determined by the way he or she resolves the series of conflicts they go through. Concept of Erik Erikson’s Theory According to Erikson’s theory, children will experience five basic conflicts which will define their growth and future personality. The first stage of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages is that of a conflict between Trust and Mistrust. It takes place in the period between when a child is born to a time when he or she starts walking and involves Social and emotional development (Etaugh Rathus 1995). The balance between trust and mistrust depends on how the child is treated by the caregiver. If the child’s needs are met by the caregiver, he or she will develop a trust towardsShow MoreRelatedErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development884 Words   |  4 PagesErik Erikson Erik Erikson was born June 15, 1902. Erikson is best-known for his famous theory of psychosocial development and the concept of the identity crisis. His theories marked an important shift in thinking on personality; instead of focusing simply on early childhood event, his psychosocial theory looked at how social influences contribute to personality throughout the entire lifespan. Erik Erikson died May 12, 1994 due to prostate cancer. (Erik Erikson, 2015). Stages of Psychosocial DevelopmentRead MoreErik Erikson s Stages Of Development1608 Words   |  7 Pages The Psychosocial Development The View on Erik H. Erikson s Stages of Development Frank Phan Cosumnes River College Psychology 300 Abstract This paper will touch over the aspects of Erik H Erickson s eight stages and how they affect everyday lives from infancy to adulthood. The paper will go over the approximate ages and the psychosocial crisis that they will eventually come to. Neglecting a child can lead to a cause of mental negligence in the form of Arrested Development. Within differentRead MoreDevelopmental Psychologist Erik Erikson s Stages Of Psychosocial Development1729 Words   |  7 PagesDevelopmental psychologist Erik Erikson changed the way that people viewed the psychosocial development in humans throughout their lifespan. Using the foundation provided by Freud’s psychosexual stages, he modified the concepts to where they demonstrated external impacts on development as well as making it more about emotional conflicts than necessarily physical drives. This eight-stage theory is sequential, and requires the person to overcome conflicts in each stage to become a productive memberRead MoreErik Erikson : Psychosocial Development1103 Words   |  5 PagesErik Erikson: Psychosocial Stages of Development â€Å"Erik Erikson was best-known for his famous theory of psychosocial development and the concept of the identity crisis. His theories marked and important shift in thinking on personality; instead of focusing simply on early childhood events, his psychosocial theory looked at how social influences contribute to personality throughout the entire lifespan† (Cherry). This paper will discuss Erikson’s childhood and the influence it had on his work. AlsoRead MoreAnalysis Of Eriksons Theory On Early Childhood Education1212 Words   |  5 Pagesthe education profession. Erik Erikson Hope is both the earliest and the most indispensable virtue inherent in the state of being alive. If life is to be sustained hope must remain, even where confidence is wounded, trust impaired. - Erik Erikson Erik Erikson (1902-1994) was a Germon born developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on psychosocial development of human lie. He is most famous for devising the phrase â€Å"identity crisis.† Erikson was a Harvard professor althoughRead MoreErikson’S Contributions To Human Development. Erik Erikson1033 Words   |  5 PagesErikson’s Contributions to Human Development Erik Erikson was a man whose interests varied widely. He studied art and a variety of languages during his schooling. He did not prefer the atmosphere of formal schooling and decided to travel around Europe instead of going to college (â€Å"Erik Erikson†, 1997). He then returned to Germany for art school and later on taught to children who had come for Freudian training. He became Boston’s first child analyst and obtained a position at Harvard Medical SchoolRead MoreErik Erikson s Psychosocial Development Theory1518 Words   |  7 PagesABSTRACT This research paper will show a thorough review of Erik Erikson s Psychosocial Development Theory, specifically the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Psychosocial Development, according to Erik Erikson, is a continuity of crisis throughout our lifespan; these challenges will shape our personality and the way we perceive our surroundings. In addition to this, the different stages mentioned in this Theory complement each other and help us to develop the tools to achieve a sense ofRead MoreSigmund Freud And Erik Erikson1110 Words   |  5 Pagespredominantly attained by parents of children with emotional problems 70- 80 decades ago. The discontinuous psychosexual and psychosocial theory takes place in stages in one course moving through drives that are biological along with societal expectations (Berk, 2013). The contributions to this perspective include both Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson. Freud examined psychosexual theory and how those first childhood years of drives shape the personality. Thus, such drive names are the id, ego, and superegoRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development Essay1177 Words   |  5 Pages Erik Erikson was born in Greman in 1902-1994, American psychoanalyst; known for psychosocial theory of emotional development of human beings. His theory looks at the impact of parents and society on personality development from childhood to adulthood. Erikson believes, each person has to pass through a series of eight stages over there entire life cycle. I will look at the first 3 stages that cover the childhood years. There are set of conflict at each stage, which allows individual to developRead MoreErikson s Psychosocial Theory And Psychosocial Development1561 Words   |  7 PagesTheories and Theorists Theories are the building blocks of psychology. Theories whether old or new has allowed us to know what we know now. There are many theories in the field of psychology or educational psychology that are important to further understand human behavior. However, this paper will focus on only two theories which are; Erikson’s psychosocial theory and Alfred Adler’s Adlerian theory. Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development has always been a great contribution to the field of psychology